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Charles Tassin, 
interior decorator

The Charles Tassin style...
by Véronique Dupard-Mandel

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Posted on May 16, 2022

Charles TASSIN' style?  Beautiful and sexy like a Gainsbourian chorus!

With some  CLIP! CRAP! BANG! SHEBAM! POW! BLOP! WIZZ! and with panache!

 It is true that, better than anyone, Charles Tassin embodies this Pompidoulian current “at the same time a mixture of tradition, anchoring in French culture and modernity.  Agam and Paulin against a backdrop of Louis XVI woodwork”, as he himself defines it.  Add a James Bondian sprinkling, for the use of metal on the walls, (golden, bronze or silver), wooden furniture that imitates bronze  and the sophistication of the marquetry, the lacquers … soft, imposing sofas and the color of whipped cream (which calls for the throw in Guanaco) attract you like a magnet. Floors covered with diamond-point parquet, thick carpets or XXL rugs with abstract or floral motifs, in soft monochrome tones. In summary, a concern for comfort and extreme luxury without being excessive, never flashy. A game of balance between eras from which results the harmony of styles. "The great masters like Henri Samuel, it will always work". And if all the furniture is presented in light tones, the chromatic bias of the walls of the gallery, Indian green or burnt ocher indicates the ease of the master in playing with colors.

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I am a decorator and interior designer, interior designer because I transform places, modify the structure, the space, the stairs, the walls...  but I love the term decorator in the tradition of the 1940s, that is to say interior decorators. My great masters are Marc du Plantier, Arbus, Subes, Pascaud, Prou and so many others. I execute, from the concrete to the teaspoon. And my real moment of happiness and freedom is when I draw furniture, alone on my drawing board, it's my childhood dream.



With Maylis, his wife and partner, they will soon be celebrating the 10th anniversary of the first Galerie May-Charles Tassin. “28m2 of pure intensity created in the spring of 2012 at 23 rue de Lille. The postulate of the May gallery was the opposite of the prevailing minimalism at the time. A very strong setting, with incredible walls, metal frames, brown ceilings, a profusion of objects, a sort of modern baroque inspired by the 60s, but never copied. In this spectacular setting  we put our creations mixed with works of art, sculptures and other antiques”. Today the gallery at n°23 has a big sister at n°34 opposite.

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In the meantime, sitting on his couch  "Martt"  we curl up, we close our eyes, and comes the vision of a kicked BB…“Don't be afraid baby, hold on CHRACK! I'm here CRASH! to protect you TCHLACK! Close your eyes CRACK! kiss me SMACK!


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